Duck magret with red berries

Duck magret with red berries

  • Low
  • 20 minutes
  • 4


  • 2 duck magrets
  • 100 gr. of blackberries
  • 100 gr. of raspberries
  • 100 gr. of currants
  • 200 ml. meat broth
  • 100 gr. of sugar
  • some basil leaves to tasteto your taste
  • pepper to tasteto your taste
  • salt to tasteto your taste


  • 01
    Put half of the red berries in a saucepan, cover with water and cook.
  • 02
    Make a syrup with a little water, sugar and the rest of the red berries. Set aside and crush.
  • 03
    With a sharp knife, make a few cuts diagonally to the fatty part of the magrets, season with salt and pepper. Put a non-stick, thick pan on the heat, when hot, put the magrets with the grease facing down, cook for 6 minutes, turn over and cook the other side for 6 minutes. Remove from the pan, cover with foil and let stand for 5 minutes.
  • 04
    Remove part of the cooking oil and dissolve the rest with the broth, let it reduce by half. Add the puree of red berries and stir.
  • 05
    Serve the filleted magrets along with the garnish and the red berries sauce. Garnish with basil.